"Give Grandma a kiss" is a short horror game about YOU visiting your grandma after a long time.

Your mother advises you to be quick. Who knows how the rest of the family will react to your sudden arrival…


Headphones Warning! The sounds can be very loud.

What do you have to do?

Find your grandma before the timer runs out and give her a BIG kiss. 

Some doors are locked. Find a key to get to your destination. 

Watch out for your other family members. They might be a little... clingy...

How to play?

The base controls are the arrow keys or WASD. 

Your mother will give you some hints .

Which options does this game have?

There are 5 options. You can choose how much time you need  for the task. The longest time is at 5 minutes. Challenge yourself!

There is also an option to disable the timer, but it will change the ending.

What about the endings?

There are 5 endings - only one is a happy ending. 

Download the game!

Are you tired of slow internet connection?  Just download the game once and play it offline.

(If there are any problems with the downloadable version , feel free to write it in the comments)


Mac Version 236 MB
Windows Version 115 MB

Install instructions


If you open the game and see the message "Please move the Game.app to a different folder", put the game.app outside the folder to avoid this error.

Development log

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